![<del>Travel Picture Granite [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27-April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749062805-UKSH7HCAVDNJKKHR229N/TPgraniteHP.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Marshes [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749061719-XGOZVMBKPEVWVHD0BD6F/TPmarshesHP.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Meadow [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749063969-EN66W6GKSAE2JP123FTK/TPmeadowHP.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Aggregato, 2018
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Mist [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749065325-UTUIOVLNQ6NHEJWG5ZRU/TPmistHP.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Violet [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749066066-EBLX8KV6AMUP3XKSQE1L/wb01012.2.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Fog [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures*(LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749067110-5T92RE8540OTUO6VGDXB/wb01112.2.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Fern [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749069169-UFCTSVAK9IBHUWHFD5D1/WB01212.2.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Fern [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749069214-QKA8V6NAWVV5Q7MXTEMB/wb04812.1_b.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
![<del>Travel Picture Sunset [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749070168-80EH9WEAUCTU49HIIV73/wb04912.1_b.jpg)
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019

The Continuous Presents of Futures Past (post-apocalypses 1985–1959), )9591–5891 sespylacopa-tsop( tsaP serutuF fo stneserP suounitnoC ehT
Fifteen commercial films from the cold war era, color offset print, Apple Mac Mini, and wireless headphones
48 hours
The Continuous Presents of Futures Past, 2012–2013
Travel Pictures, 2012
Fair Use, 2013

Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Petroleum wax and wood strainer
50 x 90 inches each
The Endless Renaissance, 2012

Unmaskings (1962–2001: Jimmy Olsen 59; Super Girl and Wonder Woman 63; Jimmy Olsen 79; Detective Comics 335; Bob Hope 93; BlackHawk 210B; Action Comics 349; Jimmy Olsen 111; Green Lantern 69; Action Comics 379; Detective Comics 407; Adventure Comics 428; Adventure Comics 429; Black Magic 1A; Black Magic 1B; House of Mystery 237; Teen Titans Annual; Batman Family Giant 9; Iron Man 103; Batman 321; Brave and the Bold 176; Detective Comics 507A; Detective Comics 507B; Hawkeye 1; AlphaFlight 12B; Batman 318; Captain America 311; Captain America 320; Boris the Bear 11; Excalibur 1; Excalibur 2; Batman 458; The Mask 1; Human Target 1; Captain Planet 8; Batman 484; Blood and Shadows; DareDevil 358; Gen13 53; DareDevil 241; Betty and Veronica 117)
Color offset periodicals, Cintra, Plexiglas, mat board
14 1/4 x 18 inches each, 41 parts
The Endless Renaissance, 2012

Unmaskings (1962–2001: Jimmy Olsen 59; Super Girl and Wonder Woman 63; Jimmy Olsen 79; Detective Comics 335; Bob Hope 93; BlackHawk 210B; Action Comics 349; Jimmy Olsen 111; Green Lantern 69; Action Comics 379; Detective Comics 407; Adventure Comics 428; Adventure Comics 429; Black Magic 1A; Black Magic 1B; House of Mystery 237; Teen Titans Annual; Batman Family Giant 9; Iron Man 103; Batman 321; Brave and the Bold 176; Detective Comics 507A; Detective Comics 507B; Hawkeye 1; AlphaFlight 12B; Batman 318; Captain America 311; Captain America 320; Boris the Bear 11; Excalibur 1; Excalibur 2; Batman 458; The Mask 1; Human Target 1; Captain Planet 8; Batman 484; Blood and Shadows; DareDevil 358; Gen13 53; DareDevil 241; Betty and Veronica 117)
Color offset periodicals, Cintra, Plexiglas, mat board
14 1/4 x 18 inches each, 41 parts
The Endless Renaissance, 2012

Copper (Fedex® Golf-Bag Box ©2010 FedEx 163166 REV 10/10) Standard Overnight, Glendale–Los Angeles trk#798886320028, September 5–6, 2012, Standard Overnight, Los Angeles–Miami Beach trk#800983717784, December 1–3, 2012
Polished copper, accrued FedEx shipping and tracking labels
48 x 15 x 15 inches

Copper (FedEx® Medium Framed Art Box ©2011 FedEx 163095 REV 7/11), Standard Overnight, Glendale–Los Angeles trk#798886232371, September 5–6, 2012
Polished copper, accrued FedEx shipping and tracking labels
33 3/4 x 28 x 4 inches

Copper (Fedex® Large Framed Art Box ©2011 FedEx 163098 REV 7/11) Standard Overnight, Glendale–Los Angeles trk#798886094580, September 5–6, 2012, Standard Overnight, Los Angeles–Miami Beach trk#800983717795, December 1–3, 2012
Polished copper, accrued FedEx shipping and tracking labels
49 3/8 x 36 11/16 x4 3/4 inches
![<del>Travel Picture Granite [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27-April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749062805-UKSH7HCAVDNJKKHR229N/TPgraniteHP.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Marshes [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749061719-XGOZVMBKPEVWVHD0BD6F/TPmarshesHP.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Meadow [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749063969-EN66W6GKSAE2JP123FTK/TPmeadowHP.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Mist [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749065325-UTUIOVLNQ6NHEJWG5ZRU/TPmistHP.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Violet [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749066066-EBLX8KV6AMUP3XKSQE1L/wb01012.2.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Fog [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures*(LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749067110-5T92RE8540OTUO6VGDXB/wb01112.2.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Fern [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749069169-UFCTSVAK9IBHUWHFD5D1/WB01212.2.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Fern [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749069214-QKA8V6NAWVV5Q7MXTEMB/wb04812.1_b.jpg)
![<del>Travel Picture Sunset [Tschaikowskistrasse 17 in multiple exposures* (LAXFRATHF/TXLCPHSEALAX) March 27–April 3, 2006]</del>](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1483749070168-80EH9WEAUCTU49HIIV73/wb04912.1_b.jpg)

*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Aggregato, 2018
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
*Contax G-2, L-3 Communications eXaminer 3DX 6000, and InVision Technologies CTX 5000
Chromogenic print
90 3/8 x 51 1/2 inches
Travel Pictures, 2012
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, 2019
The Continuous Presents of Futures Past (post-apocalypses 1985–1959), )9591–5891 sespylacopa-tsop( tsaP serutuF fo stneserP suounitnoC ehT
Fifteen commercial films from the cold war era, color offset print, Apple Mac Mini, and wireless headphones
48 hours
The Continuous Presents of Futures Past, 2012–2013
Travel Pictures, 2012
Fair Use, 2013
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Soft Picture (Cast Exxon Slack Wax 75:493644; December 5, 2012–March 17, 2013, Miami Beach, Florida)
Petroleum wax and wood strainer
50 x 90 inches each
The Endless Renaissance, 2012
Unmaskings (1962–2001: Jimmy Olsen 59; Super Girl and Wonder Woman 63; Jimmy Olsen 79; Detective Comics 335; Bob Hope 93; BlackHawk 210B; Action Comics 349; Jimmy Olsen 111; Green Lantern 69; Action Comics 379; Detective Comics 407; Adventure Comics 428; Adventure Comics 429; Black Magic 1A; Black Magic 1B; House of Mystery 237; Teen Titans Annual; Batman Family Giant 9; Iron Man 103; Batman 321; Brave and the Bold 176; Detective Comics 507A; Detective Comics 507B; Hawkeye 1; AlphaFlight 12B; Batman 318; Captain America 311; Captain America 320; Boris the Bear 11; Excalibur 1; Excalibur 2; Batman 458; The Mask 1; Human Target 1; Captain Planet 8; Batman 484; Blood and Shadows; DareDevil 358; Gen13 53; DareDevil 241; Betty and Veronica 117)
Color offset periodicals, Cintra, Plexiglas, mat board
14 1/4 x 18 inches each, 41 parts
The Endless Renaissance, 2012
Unmaskings (1962–2001: Jimmy Olsen 59; Super Girl and Wonder Woman 63; Jimmy Olsen 79; Detective Comics 335; Bob Hope 93; BlackHawk 210B; Action Comics 349; Jimmy Olsen 111; Green Lantern 69; Action Comics 379; Detective Comics 407; Adventure Comics 428; Adventure Comics 429; Black Magic 1A; Black Magic 1B; House of Mystery 237; Teen Titans Annual; Batman Family Giant 9; Iron Man 103; Batman 321; Brave and the Bold 176; Detective Comics 507A; Detective Comics 507B; Hawkeye 1; AlphaFlight 12B; Batman 318; Captain America 311; Captain America 320; Boris the Bear 11; Excalibur 1; Excalibur 2; Batman 458; The Mask 1; Human Target 1; Captain Planet 8; Batman 484; Blood and Shadows; DareDevil 358; Gen13 53; DareDevil 241; Betty and Veronica 117)
Color offset periodicals, Cintra, Plexiglas, mat board
14 1/4 x 18 inches each, 41 parts
The Endless Renaissance, 2012
Copper (Fedex® Golf-Bag Box ©2010 FedEx 163166 REV 10/10) Standard Overnight, Glendale–Los Angeles trk#798886320028, September 5–6, 2012, Standard Overnight, Los Angeles–Miami Beach trk#800983717784, December 1–3, 2012
Polished copper, accrued FedEx shipping and tracking labels
48 x 15 x 15 inches
Copper (FedEx® Medium Framed Art Box ©2011 FedEx 163095 REV 7/11), Standard Overnight, Glendale–Los Angeles trk#798886232371, September 5–6, 2012
Polished copper, accrued FedEx shipping and tracking labels
33 3/4 x 28 x 4 inches
Copper (Fedex® Large Framed Art Box ©2011 FedEx 163098 REV 7/11) Standard Overnight, Glendale–Los Angeles trk#798886094580, September 5–6, 2012, Standard Overnight, Los Angeles–Miami Beach trk#800983717795, December 1–3, 2012
Polished copper, accrued FedEx shipping and tracking labels
49 3/8 x 36 11/16 x4 3/4 inches