![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 135º Antidiagonal / 45º Diagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527497259-RJ4ZFLY6ITH2XNT9EL1R/BESHT42773.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 135º Antidiagonal / 45º Diagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
22 x 22 x 43 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 45º Antidiagonal / 135º Diagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527497395-YAFZV7KL7SRE3O3R0RHY/BESHT42774_01.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 45º Antidiagonal / 135º Diagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
22 x 22 x 43 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass 1](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527498423-MG5I11CEYHN90HPCNMFQ/BESHT42775.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
17 3/4 x 17 3/4 x 25 1/4 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass 1](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527499689-ZJGZV9PANUKFUSGZL0TC/BESHT42776.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
13 x 13 x 35 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527499968-80JV2SDTMFW7H4NPXPNY/BESHT42777_01.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
21 x 21 x 43 1/2 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527500998-WT8CQ0CGJI9NINUAHWXE/BESHT42778.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
21 x 21 x 43 1/2 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection and 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidi](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527502501-CL4H7NY942SN09UBUM70/BESHT42779.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection and 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
28 1/2 x 12 x 40 1/2 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection and 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidi](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527502538-2COX3AE7XRTV2LVRIRIJ/BESHT42780.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection and 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
37 x 23 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2015 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Disponib](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1459385066008-YSKR7QRDBVN7W490J9AS/HE7A3043.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securitie](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033854257-35UXY60TGEC0BCWORW8D/TDA_0512-020_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033856856-AQ78G0KHUJW5FTFNBCTF/TDA_0512-024_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033852678-V04LO1TRJT144I44RN9X/TDA_0512-018_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033841878-33MS1HAH4CRERGGTH77E/TDA_0512-005_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033847168-UVNYJVRHBS0G4FASZ046/TDA_0512-010_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033858261-MEQTJXPR1I9HVPL2GEVS/TDA_0912_-002_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033845015-1AD4VU8V4SG4THKZ7SUB/TDA_0512-006_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033841840-APZJFAL7UMUJ9RT5GN70/TDA_0512-001_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033850266-MUSYN7SGDF7461TLQ0B4/TDA_0512-014_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033848206-YW0C4WL2AVDO8GQZV2N8/TDA_0512-012_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033851462-80HSD5L1CPPHDOKAG0D7/TDA_0512-016_Front.jpg)
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033861040-9MU86O74WY6AWY3JMD6F/TDA_0912_-007_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable

Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches

Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033859530-LJTIQV7N45MAZLKWSZ6U/TDA_0912_-003_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033860991-PCAMX2QA1AFEPQF24EJK/TDA_0912_-009_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033859666-ME98NKU63IN7WD4D515E/TDA_0912_-004_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033863269-ZWI1GJU2JNCYPOVOER34/TDA_0912_-011_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033863548-W6JZYISRS7BTGJM2O4OP/TDA_0912_-013_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033865208-65T059ODZR7XW08JIWE9/TDA_0912_-015_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033865210-W6KEITQURQVP80NPA6MB/TDA_0912_-017_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 135º Antidiagonal / 45º Diagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527497259-RJ4ZFLY6ITH2XNT9EL1R/BESHT42773.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 45º Antidiagonal / 135º Diagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527497395-YAFZV7KL7SRE3O3R0RHY/BESHT42774_01.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass 1](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527498423-MG5I11CEYHN90HPCNMFQ/BESHT42775.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass 1](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527499689-ZJGZV9PANUKFUSGZL0TC/BESHT42776.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527499968-80JV2SDTMFW7H4NPXPNY/BESHT42777_01.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection 2016 Four-color offset on](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527500998-WT8CQ0CGJI9NINUAHWXE/BESHT42778.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection and 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidi](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527502501-CL4H7NY942SN09UBUM70/BESHT42779.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection and 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidi](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1468527502538-2COX3AE7XRTV2LVRIRIJ/BESHT42780.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2015 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Disponib](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1459385066008-YSKR7QRDBVN7W490J9AS/HE7A3043.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securitie](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033854257-35UXY60TGEC0BCWORW8D/TDA_0512-020_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033856856-AQ78G0KHUJW5FTFNBCTF/TDA_0512-024_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033852678-V04LO1TRJT144I44RN9X/TDA_0512-018_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033841878-33MS1HAH4CRERGGTH77E/TDA_0512-005_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033847168-UVNYJVRHBS0G4FASZ046/TDA_0512-010_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033858261-MEQTJXPR1I9HVPL2GEVS/TDA_0912_-002_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033845015-1AD4VU8V4SG4THKZ7SUB/TDA_0512-006_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033841840-APZJFAL7UMUJ9RT5GN70/TDA_0512-001_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033850266-MUSYN7SGDF7461TLQ0B4/TDA_0512-014_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033848206-YW0C4WL2AVDO8GQZV2N8/TDA_0512-012_Front.jpg)
![Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011] 2011 Four-color offset on coated paper 34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches Securit](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033851462-80HSD5L1CPPHDOKAG0D7/TDA_0512-016_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033861040-9MU86O74WY6AWY3JMD6F/TDA_0912_-007_Front.jpg)

![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033859530-LJTIQV7N45MAZLKWSZ6U/TDA_0912_-003_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033860991-PCAMX2QA1AFEPQF24EJK/TDA_0912_-009_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033859666-ME98NKU63IN7WD4D515E/TDA_0912_-004_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033863269-ZWI1GJU2JNCYPOVOER34/TDA_0912_-011_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033863548-W6JZYISRS7BTGJM2O4OP/TDA_0912_-013_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033865208-65T059ODZR7XW08JIWE9/TDA_0912_-015_Front.jpg)
![Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010] 2011 Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper Dimensions variable A D](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5614520ce4b0241f53ed4809/1487033865210-W6KEITQURQVP80NPA6MB/TDA_0912_-017_Front.jpg)
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 135º Antidiagonal / 45º Diagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
22 x 22 x 43 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 45º Antidiagonal / 135º Diagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
22 x 22 x 43 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
17 3/4 x 17 3/4 x 25 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
13 x 13 x 35 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
21 x 21 x 43 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
21 x 21 x 43 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection and 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
28 1/2 x 12 x 40 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010], 90º Bend, 150º Diagonal / 30º Antidiagonal Bisection and 30º Diagonal / 150º Antidiagonal Bisection
Four-color offset on coated paper, bent plexiglass
37 x 23 1/4 x 28 1/4 inches
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signature [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make Ready 3: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Securities and Exchanges, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art: Beijing, Jing Cai Shi Ji, Beijing, China, September 23, 2011]
Four-color offset on coated paper
34 5/8 x 27 3/8 inches
Securities and Exchanges, 2011
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 4: (Blind Spot, issue 46: Meridian Printing, Inc., East Greenwich, RI, April 8, 2013)
Bound six-color offset lithographic prints and Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inkjet print on Museo Silver Rag paper in cloth tray box
11 3/8 x 9 3/4 x 1 1/4 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Bound, Uncut: Walead Beshty, Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 5 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories 2nd Edition, JRP|Ringier, Zürich, January 8–10, 2014)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 2 (Walead Beshty: Natural Histories, JRP Ringier, Zürich, January 11–15, 2011)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1 (Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Damiani Editore, Bologna, July 4–6, 2010)
Four-color offset on coated paper, bound
12 x 8 1/2 inches
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable
Make-Ready 1: Uncut Signatures [Walead Beshty: Selected Correspondences 2001–2010, Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2010, Grafiche Damiani, Bologna, Italy, July 4–6, 2010]
Four-color offset on coated and uncoated paper
Dimensions variable